Med Surg Support is a family endowment fund created by Marie-Cécile Blanchet and Olivier Beatrix, both digestive surgeons in Lyon. Their four children, Constance, Victoire, Guillemette, and Grégoire, are also actively involved in this humanitarian commitment.

This endowment fund has its roots in the precious heritage left by Marie-Cécile’s parents:

  • Claude Blanchet, her father who passed away in 2002, was an insatiable entrepreneur, creative and visionary, whose generosity incessantly led him to dedicate himself to the common cause.
  • Bernadette Blanchet, her mother, has always provided unwavering support to her husband and children. Inspired by their values of humanity and altruism, Marie-Cécile Blanchet and Olivier Beatrix have launched this fund with the aim of promoting health and well-being through the sharing of experience and material support all over the world.

The education received by these two surgeons and their professions have always oriented them towards the desire to help others. Thanks to the experience and technical skills acquired over the years, they are fulfilling a long-held dream through the creation of the Med Surg Support fund: to modernize hospitals in underprivileged areas and to improve the health of the most vulnerable communities, particularly in Africa.


Dr Marie-Cécile Blanchet

Digestive Surgeon
& President

Dr Olivier Beatrix

Digestive Surgeon
& Treasurer

Constance Beatrix

Marketing Strategy Engineer
& Secretary

Victoire Beatrix

Logistics / Information
& Student

Guillemette Beatrix

Website Management / Social Networks
& Student

Grégoire Beatrix

Website Management / Social Networks
& Student

Med Surg Support is a member of the association “Un Esprit de Famille” dedicated to promoting family philanthropy in France. It brings together family foundations and private philanthropists around a common ambition: to develop an organized, professional and collaborative philanthropy. The association provides a framework for founders to maximize their social impact through the exchange of experiences, mutual support and the implementation of effective philanthropic projects.


Since its foundation, Med Surg Support has launched an ambitious project: introducing minimally invasive surgery to Ethiopia. This initiative has catalyzed the emergence of new ideas and the convergence of diverse teams, paving the way for other exciting projects.

Med Surg Support carried out its first missions in Ethiopia, marked by the delivery of laparoscopic equipment to two university hospitals: Assella (Arsi University) and Goba (Madda Walabu University). These efforts enabled the performance of cholecystectomies (removal of the gallbladder) by laparoscopy for the first time at these sites in June 2023, requiring only four small incisions.


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